Sunday, June 22, 2008

I wanna DANCE!

Yo yo yoo I'm in my hood right now, dirty Jerzzz!! We just got to the hotel in New Brunswick, NJ. I should be out filling my homesick heart with the Jersey air but, dangggg, I'm tired. We were in three cities today! Providence, RI this morning, West Point, NY for two shows, and now NJ. So right now I'm laying in my comfy hotel bed that has too many pillows, listening to Paul's jazz music aaaaand I'm feeling pretty bloggeriffic so prepare yourself!

In Elmira, NY there was nothing to do but this Glass Museum... so obviously, we went. It was pretty interesting though. We walked around for a good 4 hours marveling at it all.

Yup. All glasss.....OoOoOo La Laaaa :)

Besides that, Elmira was Elsucka. I was happy to leave and go to Providence, RI which supposedly has one of the highest crime rates in the country right now. Funny enough, me being the paranoid little girl that I am, felt pretty safe there. It was cute!

But from now on, whenever I think of Providence, RI, I will think of....... Gay Pride Night!!! It was this big festival kind of thing we went to last night. There was music, food, dancing, a parade, drag shows, and Tiffany the 80's pop star! We were lookin' prettty cute too if I do say so myself...

We also befriended a dragqueen at the hotel who ended up making our whole night. Who'dda thunk it!? Me, Kandance, Laura, Paul and Lareisha were on the side of the street watching the parade and then all of a sudden we see the dragqueen from the hotel. We started yelling and waving and got invited up onto the float!! So here we are in the middle of this float, dancing our asses off, and then who do we see on the street? Walter and Creighton...!! Too perfect. So they join us on this float and we all dance basically for the whole length of the parade. I wish I had pictures! It was pretty priceless.

Speaking of priceless... finally, some pictures from the show.

Awww the Backyardigans...( it was swing night). <3
Jarvis, Paul, Me.

The first pictures of me in the egg!!

And finally, last but not least, me as the Dragon's Butt.

And finally, last but not least, me as the Dragon's Butt.

Cute, wonderful, lovely and all that jazz. Theres still one costume that isnt in these but you'll just hafta wait till next time....this post wore me out! I'm about ready to pass out... I hope you all liked the new pics. Till next time.... Ciao ;)



Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hey everyone!! Long time, no post... sorry! It's been soo crazy this past weekend when we played at Madison Square Garden in NYC. I had a wholeee day and a half at home which was grrreat.... then started the mayhem. Opening night in New York went really well... everyone had this newfound energy and excitement. Then that night was the party.... Let's just say free drinks+ no dinner= ut oh. I am soooo mad at myself and everyone for not taking any pictures cause we all looked FIERCE. I already decided we have to dress up and reenact that night so I can have pics of everyone lookin' hottttt!
The next two days Saturday and Sunday we had three show days which were waaay tiring. Saturday my familia came to seee me and in between shows I met my mama,daddy, tyler and vinnie for dinner at the Hard Rock. That was a bad decision. I only had about 20 minutes to eat by the time I got there. Then when I was leaving to go back to Madison Square Garden.... it started THUNDERSTORMING. Nooo cabs would stop for me. Of course, my luck. I ran underneath a Nuts 4 Nuts stand and being that I was running out of time and scared of getting struck by lightening, I started panicking and essentially scaring the Nuts 4 Nuts guy. He finally ran out in the middle of the street and got me a cab. Whoever said New Yorkers weren't nice? I got back to the theater SOAKED but just in time to get ready for the last show.

I took some backstage pics in NY but not of allll my costumes yet.

Me at intermission with my egg legs on!!

Paul before the show on the celly (probably with Johnny)

Me and Paul... the sexiest footman around.

Left to Right: Laura, Candance, Creighton,Beth, and Paul getting ready in the dressing room.

Walter, Lareisha, Beth, and Jarvis looking lovely!

Beth striking a pose for us !!

Nobody knew Austin was a part time model!!

Awww. Creighton and Kandace.

Soo those are all the pics I have for now. Yesterday we were in Augusta, ME.. what a dragggg. You know a place is boring when we make a night out of going to Wal-Mart. Right now I'm in Elmira, NY. It's our day off so I'm going to try to find something fun to do so my blogs can be more interesting. haha. Tootalooo!!



Monday, June 9, 2008

Let my Cameron go...

Today I felt like Cameron from Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Sick and overly dramatic about it. Come to think of it, that's me every time I get sick.

I wasn't about to get out of bed, not for six flags, not for anything. Alas, around 1 o clock my stomach started to get really mad at me and I threw on some clothes and my sunglasses that cover half my face and I got some breakfast. Figured I'd get something to eat and write a blog about the last place we were, Connecticut. Since my internet wasnt working in my room (which is a whole other ANNOYING story) I went down to the "Business Center". Only two computers and a line of people! Good lord. Don't they know I need the internet to survive as much as food? So I decided to explore Springfield, MA. I walked around a little,admiring the pretty architecture of some of these buildings, but actually in hope of finding some decent shopping. Forget decent shopping, there was NO shopping! I finally went up to the hotel clerk and asked where about I can find some freakin shopping. Buuut of course, none in walking distance. Iy,yi yiii!! All shopping tragedies aside, in comparison to NYC, its cute, older, and ... shorter??I find myself comparing every place we go, to the good ole Big Apple but nothing quite makes the cut.

Speaking of not making the cut, let's talk about Wallingford, CT. Suburbia but worse. Ahhh there was nothing to do except a movie theater and a horrendous diner! So of course, the first day Paul and I went to the movie theater and the horrendous diner. Hey, we tried to make the best outtve the situation. I saw Sex and the City for the second time!!! I think there was about three people in the whole theater, including us.

Then we had rehearsal allllll day on Friday. Literally, all day: 9am- 7pm! That night we got back to the hotel, ordered some Chinese, and went to bed. Oh, Wallingford.

Surprisingly, the Chevrolet Theater, which we performed at was actually quite beautiful. There were pictures lining the walls of all the great performers that had been there. Everyone from Britney Spears to Bob Dylan! Hottttstufffff!

I had my first three show day on Saturday which was tiring as all hell, especially since the freakin AIR CONDITIONING wasnt working. Ughhh, try dancing your ass off in an egg costume in an 80 degree theater....its not pretty!!! But its ok, the creative team was there and after the shows I recieved great feedback from them, especially the director and choreographer...wink wink, nudge nudge!! The director said he was impressed that I had it so together at only 18. Oh, if he only knew.... haha.

Todays my day off so I'm going to go find the laundry place in this hotel...... That's a lie, I will probably ask my mom to do it when I'm home in three days! New York, New York here I come!!!

ta ta for now,

"I do have a test today. that wasn't bullshit. It's on European socialism. I mean, really, what's the point? I'm not European. I don't plan on being European. So who cares if they're socialists? They could be fascist anarchists. It still doesn't change the fact that I don't own a car. Not that I condone fascism, or any -ism for that matter. -Ism's in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an -ism, he should believe in himself. I quote John Lennon, "I don't believe in The Beatles, I just believe in me." Good point there. After all, he was the walrus. I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people. "
-Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Oh, the places you'll go...

It's been a week and three days on tour so far and I've seen six cities. Buffalo, NY-Syracuse, NY- Boston, MA- Norfolk, VA- Salem, VA- and I am in Wallingford, CT right now. In Buffalo me, Paul, Alissa, and Laura saw the great Niagara Falls. One word: breathtaking.
That last picture was from when we paid ten bucks to get up close and personal with the Falls. Not a bad deal, huh? If you squint your eyes you can see that the red railing goes all the way up to that waterfall in the middle of the picture. Yup, we were there. Stood right underneath it. Screamed a little, danced a little, got DRENCHED... it was exhilirating.

I bought some postcards to send to people but the next few days I was so busy learning the show I only had time to eat,sleep, and make a few phonecalls. I learned the entire show by thursday of that week. Yup, two days, a few hours and BADABING- I know the show. (Thanks to the amazing teacher Alissa Alter!)

We were only in Syracuse (sp??) for a day then it was off to Boston. I wish I had taken pictures there, but my camera was dead and I was too lazy to find a place to get batteries. But it is a very cute city. Cleaner and quieter than NYC. It was a busy weekend in Boston, two 3 show days back to back on Saturday and Sunday. I went on for my first time on Saturday Night..wooohoo! Then, that night a bunch of us went to a funky restaurant for Alissa's farewell dinner and then me, Laura, and Lareisha saw..... drumroll please....... SEX AND THE CITY!!!!

OMFG how I LOVE those ladies! It was sooo great to see them on the big screeen!!! The audience was great... opening song started playing and everyone applauded. For anyone who saw it or has been obsessed with the show like myself, Steve and Miranda's story in the movie was my favorite. Don't get me wrong, I loved all of them in it. Carrie is FABuLOUS as well as Samantha and Charlotte. But Steve and Miranda...that one scene.... melted my heart. I saw it for a second time today with Paul..... I cant get enough!!!!

Then monday we were in Norfolk, VA and on our day off me, Laura, Paul, and Creigton went to Virginia Beach and met up with some other people. Paul lost in a game of not it and got buried in the sand, we swam in the freezing cold water, went to an oxygen bar, got some ice cream and just walked the boardwalk.

Lovely beach, lovely people, lovely day.

Then we went to Salem,VA for a day. There was not much of anything to do in Salem (at least not in walking distance) so we watched a marathon of Grey's Anatomy until the show that night then we drove to Wallingford, CT which brings us up to date. Phewwww!

Today is our day off then a long day of rehearsals tomorrow. I cant wait till we get to NYC next week- I miss my family and friends and Vinnie <3

Until next time.... peace and love :)


"Some people are settling down, some people are settling and some people refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies."

Sex and the City

Me, Myself, and Tour

Hello friendly readers out there! Christie Ali Schwartzman here, nice to meet you (if I haven't already). I was inspired by my cast members', Paul and Alissa, blogs that I had to create one of my own. Since I'm not the best at keeping in touch with everyone, I figured this would be a cool way for people to see what I've been up to.... and for other people to read about my amazingly interesting life.
Well to start off, I am truly blessed to be a part of the Backyardigans Live! National Tour. I was running out of time for the deal with my parents. I told them I wanted to put college on hold for a year or so to have time to audition. "I can always go back to college, but I can never get my youth back." SOLD.
And the story goes: numerous final callbacks thennnn NADA. I was begining to get so discouraged that I didnt even want to audition anymore when Backyardigans called and offered me a part. TA DAHH! And my blog begins....

May 26, 2008 my amazing boyfriend- I LOVE YOU POPEYE!!!!!- drove me into NYC from Toms River, NJ to start my journey across America. I was immediately put at ease after meeting the cast and finding no crazed maniacs but actually a fun loving buncha people. (so far) ;) And the BUS. Let me just say thank you Nickelodeon!!

(pictures stolen from Paul's blog- thats Alissa on the couch) Front lounge area- Two couches, a flatscreen TV that you cant see from this view, a kitchen area and table... where I find we hang out most of the time watching our amazing Grey's Anatomy marathons.
Bottom pic- our bathroom that is forbidden to have any number 2's in there. So if you need to, you will have to ask the driver to stop somewhere. Embarassing, huh?
Top pic- Our bunk beds. that top one is mine, and there are six more bunks on the other side. At first I thought I'd feel uber chlostrephobic (sp??) but I've actually slept later than I have in a long time in my little bunkie. Also, each bunk has its own DVD player in each- saaaaweeeet!!
And then theres the back lounge room. Same thing as the front, more couches and a flat screen TV. This is where people go that are tired of Greys Anatomy marathons. haha.
I love that bus. I've decided we need to name her... or him... it. I'll get back to you on that when we've got one. This has officialy been a longer blog than I expected it to be and I have to take a break. I'll post about my first week's adventures later on.
Backyardigans Live! National Tour- the start of my professional career. Ahh, I am living the American Dream.
love love!