Hey everyone!! Long time, no post... sorry! It's been soo crazy this past weekend when we played at Madison Square Garden in NYC. I had a wholeee day and a half at home which was grrreat.... then started the mayhem. Opening night in New York went really well... everyone had this newfound energy and excitement. Then that night was the party.... Let's just say free drinks+ no dinner= ut oh. I am soooo mad at myself and everyone for not taking any pictures cause we all looked FIERCE. I already decided we have to dress up and reenact that night so I can have pics of everyone lookin' hottttt!
The next two days Saturday and Sunday we had three show days which were waaay tiring. Saturday my familia came to seee me and in between shows I met my mama,daddy, tyler and vinnie for dinner at the Hard Rock. That was a bad decision. I only had about 20 minutes to eat by the time I got there. Then when I was leaving to go back to Madison Square Garden.... it started THUNDERSTORMING. Nooo cabs would stop for me. Of course, my luck. I ran underneath a Nuts 4 Nuts stand and being that I was running out of time and scared of getting struck by lightening, I started panicking and essentially scaring the Nuts 4 Nuts guy. He finally ran out in the middle of the street and got me a cab. Whoever said New Yorkers weren't nice? I got back to the theater SOAKED but just in time to get ready for the last show.
I took some backstage pics in NY but not of allll my costumes yet.

Paul before the show on the celly (probably with Johnny)
Me and Paul... the sexiest footman around.
Left to Right: Laura, Candance, Creighton,Beth, and Paul getting ready in the dressing room.
Walter, Lareisha, Beth, and Jarvis looking lovely!
Beth striking a pose for us !!
Nobody knew Austin was a part time model!!
Awww. Creighton and Kandace.
Soo those are all the pics I have for now. Yesterday we were in Augusta, ME.. what a dragggg. You know a place is boring when we make a night out of going to Wal-Mart. Right now I'm in Elmira, NY. It's our day off so I'm going to try to find something fun to do so my blogs can be more interesting. haha. Tootalooo!!
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