OMFG how I LOVE those ladies! It was sooo great to see them on the big screeen!!! The audience was great... opening song started playing and everyone applauded. For anyone who saw it or has been obsessed with the show like myself, Steve and Miranda's story in the movie was my favorite. Don't get me wrong, I loved all of them in it. Carrie is FABuLOUS as well as Samantha and Charlotte. But Steve and Miranda...that one scene.... melted my heart. I saw it for a second time today with Paul..... I cant get enough!!!!
Then monday we were in Norfolk, VA and on our day off me, Laura, Paul, and Creigton went to Virginia Beach and met up with some other people. Paul lost in a game of not it and got buried in the sand, we swam in the freezing cold water, went to an oxygen bar, got some ice cream and just walked the boardwalk.
Lovely beach, lovely people, lovely day.
Then we went to Salem,VA for a day. There was not much of anything to do in Salem (at least not in walking distance) so we watched a marathon of Grey's Anatomy until the show that night then we drove to Wallingford, CT which brings us up to date. Phewwww!
Today is our day off then a long day of rehearsals tomorrow. I cant wait till we get to NYC next week- I miss my family and friends and Vinnie <3
Until next time.... peace and love :)
"Some people are settling down, some people are settling and some people refuse to settle for anything less than butterflies."
Sex and the City
So... How was the oxygen bar?
the oxygen bar was refreshing but not worth 15 bucks!
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